About Kmedia Services

Since 2021

It Starts With a love for Doing Cool Things.

With the onset of the pandemic,  quarantines, and closures, and all of the idle time and boredom that entails we found ourselves with lots of opportunities to think.  And as we all know, thinking leads to ideas.

Our Ideas started to take shape.  We’d find ourselves involved with some project or other saying out loud:

“Wouldn’t it be great if we could do this for other people?”

The more an idea gets voiced, the more real it becomes.

We’re not here to collect cash. We’re not here to avoid hard work. 

We are here to share our experiences, our deep well of expertise, our knowledge, our time… and our genuine love of cool things.

And build a great business while doing it.


We have creativity. We have fearlessness. And we have the heart and mind to do good things and create the coveted win/win situation.

We have in ourselves a diversified array of highly beneficial skills and experience that we can apply directly to the betterment of ourselves and others- other people, other businesses, the community at large.


We are innovative, and we are “sticky,” recognizing, adapting and adopting new and creative ideas within the technology and digital marketing space that we can bring into our neighborhood.

David Carter


We have an enormous background of diversified technology experience. 

We have backgrounds in sales, customer support, supply-chain management. Technical installations. Enterprise applications. Software development. Information Technology management. Home and residential tech.

Our only restrictions on our ideas are “Does it help someone?” and “Is it Cool?”

Please take some time to view our Comprehensive List of Services. If we can help you in any way and create for you that win/win situation… reach out to us. We welcome the opportunity to earn your business.

We are constantly updating our website. Below You'll find the master list of services that we offer to help you navigate.

Comprehensive List of Services